I just wrote to you all yesterday. One from the heart that I put all my emotion into so I had planned to take a little break. BUT I came across this little self love challenge and well, I'm always up for a challenge, especially when it can help me on this little quest of constant self improvement.
I got this idea from You Know it Happens at Your House Too but if you start clicking through the links you'll find this has been a wonderful pass it forward sort of thing so I hope, whether you have a blog or not, you will try it out and post your response in my comments!
The rules it seems are to set your timer. I'm good at that as we have a lot of time outs in this house. There is also to be no proofreading, editing, etc. I'll be honest, I'm going to cheat just a bit there but only on the spelling, I won't edit. Promise.
Ready, set, go.....
I am an AWFUL speller. Thus my cheating. Which I often did to pass spelling tests as a child. Probably why I suck at spelling.
I am a mother. I often feel I'm not a great mother. Certainly not the mom I thought I'd be. BUT I try to be better each day and some days I do a pretty darn good job.
I am a wife. If you read my blog then you know I'm not always the best wife and my marriage has its issues. Moving on...
I am a daughter. My mom is my best friend. The one person I can ALWAYS count on.
I am loyal. I wasn't always.
I am a good friend but lately have slacked in friend duties and can't remember the last time I spoke to many of the friends I hold in my heart. I need to be better at that.
I am a yogi. At least I try. I'm great at the physical practice. A work in progress on the rest.
I am a person who loves people and always strives to see the best in everyone. Sometimes this can be a fault but I love it about myself.
I am passionate. There are things I believe in strongly and I fight for them with all I got.
I am a Penn Stater. Always and forever.
de-de-de-de-de-de-dede, de-de-de-de-de-de-dede. That would be my phone alarm :) So I am done.
Post your I AM..... below. Would love to know you are even if I already do!
PS- I just did my cheating thing and NO spelling errors!! AWESOME. yay me!
PPS- not many of you saw/read this. That's good. I didn't live up to this challenge very well. Some self love! I was such a Debbie downer, geesh. It's been a week. Wait, it's only Wednesday. Yeah, exactly. Anyway, check back for my 2.0 version tomorrow! I think this is a perfect thing to do everyday for oneself...no worries, I won't post one everyday! Night all.
What a great post, I love your blog Jaci as in class we don't really get to connect as we are working on our yoga-ing, but you are from what you've shared and I've seen an amazing woman with an amazingly full life and I respect that and you..you like Aimee and Gus all blow me away, I am honored to be studying yoga with you all!!! Gabi